Thursday, 10 October 2013

Research Aim and Objectives. (Old Version - 1)


Investigate how music and sound effects within films and games can be used to induce emotional response's in their consumers. 


  1. Investigate Music Theory and Compositional techniques which could aid in the development of films or games Ambiance / Soundtracks.  
  2. Investigate the use of Sound effects within films and games and their effects on human perception / psychological states of mind. 
  3. Investigate the possibility of utilising infra-sound to induce specific emotional responses and its psychological effects on the human mind. 
  4. Investigate why music and specific sounds spark emotional responses in the consumers of films and games and their relationship to real world occurrences / events.
  5. Produce Several Videos which incorporate techniques investigated throughout the honours project (relating to music and sound effects), which can be used as a test to determine which production techniques are most effective in creating an engaging viewing experience that induces the strongest of emotions.     

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