Thursday, 20 March 2014

A Geometry Of Music (Overview)

'A Geometry Of Music' by Dmitri Tymoczko provides an in depth look at more complex issues present in music composition such as harmony and counterpoint. The book aims to utilise a new approach to composing which expands upon the normal common practices implied by music composer and should allow for a new perspective and approach to the music creating and structuring process.

The book looks at:

  1. The five components of tonality.
  2. Harmony and voice leading.
  3. Chord geometry.
  4. Scales.
  5. Macroharmony and centricity. 
  6. Extended common practice.
  7. Functional harmony.
  8. Chromaticism.
  9. Scales in 20th century music.
  10. Jazz.
The complex nature of the topics discussed in the literature would be difficult to understand without basic knowledge of music theory and an understanding of how to use an instrument etc. It would be more beneficial to use the book as a supplement to other music theory books such as 'Music theory: for dummies' and ' Music composition: for dummies' as these books look at these topics in a more simplistic and traditional manner.   

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