Friday, 28 March 2014

Literature Quotes (Music and the Mind)

Music and the Mind  by Anthony Storr.

  1. "Music has the effect of intensifying or underlining the emotions which a particular event calls fourth, by simultaneously coordinating the emotions of a group of people". 
  2. " We are so used to hearing music throughout a film that a short period of silence has a shock effect; and movie-makers sometimes use silence as a precursor to some particularly horrific incident". 
  3. " As Burrows points out, we are dependant on background sound of which we are hardly concious for our sense of life continuing. A silent world is a dead world". 
  4. The Unmusical person, as one would expect, is less physiologically aroused than the musical person. Even in people to whom music means a great deal, responses vary with their mood".
  5. " Rhythm is rooted in the body in a way which does not apply so strikingly to melody and harmony. Breathing, walking, the heartbeat, and sexual intercourse are all rhythmical aspects of our physical being".  

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